Do you have small kids at home? And are you sick of feeding your kids store bought snacks that list a bunch of unknown ingredients on the back leaving you confused? I am happy to report your in the right place. As a future mom, I’ve got a lot of things to figure out in…
Spiralized Sweet Potato Stir Fry
Do you ever wake up on Monday’s and think to yourself, “why in the world did I eat all that crap this weekend?” Yah well, that was my weekend. I guess i’ve always used the weekend as an excuse to cheat. however now that I am pregnant, the struggle is REAL! I am lucky in…
No Bake Bourbon Balls
Happy Monday, or shall I say Presidents Day. While we may be working today, most everyone else has the day off. So for those celebrating the long weekend this post is for you. We’ve got the perfect dessert for a guaranteed good time, and they go by the name of No Bake Bourbon Balls. And…
Cheesy Mushroom Toast
Welcome friends, and happy hump day. The post for today might be one of the most delicious things we’ve shared in awhile, at least in my opinion. It’s not very often I have a good excuse to eat mushrooms, so when Sammy ask if we should do this Cheesy Mushroom Toast for the blog, I…
Three Ingredient Shortbread Cookies
What is just 3 ingredients, star shaped, and is a great gift to give people this Holiday season? These three Ingredient Shortbread Cookies of course. Did the 3 ingredient bit give it away? Happy Holidays everyone. Tonight we celebrate the 8th and final night of Hanukkah, and in 4 days it’ll be Christmas Eve! Can you…
Stuffed Pears
We are t-minus 9 days from Christmas Eve, and the Holiday meal planning starts now. Or maybe it’s already started, but it’s never too late to add a new addition right? Because you are most definitely going to want to add these Stuffed Pears to your menu. For dessert of course. They are quick and…
Thanksgiving Turkey
Eeeekkk, we are t-minus 3-minus days from Thanksgiving! I cannot wait to sit down with the people I care most about it, and stuff my face with delicious food. I mean how does that not sound amazing, am I right?! And everything is centered around the hopefully moist and cooked to perfection Thanksgiving Turkey. Hopefully…
Overnight Swiss Oatmeal
TGIF everyone! I am especially excited for the weekend festivities, mainly because it’s my Birthday tomorrow! I feel like i’m 28 going on 18. I woke up today and had that moment where you realize your 20’s are almost over, but really it just feels like a dream because you don’t actually feel like you’re…
Sausage and Pear Stuffing Muffins
It’s that time of the year again, we are 9 days out from Thanksgiving! This is probably my most favorite Holiday, aside from Christmas of course. And that’s because both Holiday’s typically come with delicious food. Speaking of, we are reprising a favorite recipe from last Thanksgiving. This Sausage and Pear Stuffing Muffins is the…
Tomato Soup with a Grilled Cheese
Happy Monday friends, hope everyone had a great weekend. I had lot’s of family time this weekend which is always fun. I spent most of the day shopping with my mom and cousin on Saturday, and then in the evening spent time with my sister-in-law, niece, and nephew. My mom sent me over there with…